Friday, May 9, 2008

More Color

When i think color as it fits with emotion I think of the basic stereotypical colors and emotion. For example, Red could mean passion, blue could mean cool, relaxed, or suttle. Yellow could mean caution excitement, purple is royalty, orange could be warm or hot, and black and gray can be dull and neutral. The topic of color .vs. emotion could spark up a pretty good debate and people always have there own opinion on colors. Many scientist have looked into the subject and found mmost of those theories to be true. Advertising colors in advertisements tap into the emotions of people and influences what to buy. Color can be very psycological and plays a major role in the marketing world. For example, in grocery stores they put all the colorful items at eye level to draw you straight to them. They also make that for people who eat foods to change your mood or make you happy such as ice cream and cookies.

I find it very interesting that color can alter your mood and distort your judgement. I think that in ways that can be good but it could also be pretty bad as well. However, color can be used for good like to stablize ones state of drunkness. They also used colors for babies to keep them happy and entertained. Color is this universal mystery that has these subliminal effects.

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