Thursday, September 20, 2007


My experience with making this value scale was a little difficult starting off. I had a little difficult time with some of the swatches. I didn't want the swatches to look the same or look unbalanced so i went over the whole thing a couple of times. After i fixed everything and got comfortable with it I felt much better and felt like i did a good job. I added some shaing on the outside to make the image pop out a little and I think it looks pretty cool too.

Friday, September 14, 2007

What is Value?

In my own opinion, value is years of hard work or someones worth. The chart makes good sense when you think about it because any successful artist or artist looking to be successful promote themselves and automatically falls under the chart. Unless you aren't trying to make business with your art and you don't want to live off it then you definitely fall under the catagory. I think that the harder you work and display determination it will help you to grow as an artist and business wise. I also feel that the more you put your work out there the higher in value you will become. Value in terms of art in the business word is building art and selling it over a long period of time to be worth something just like a important baseball card or an autograph from someone famous. Value will follow you your whole career and gives you a very good look as an artist. Most of the artist who have made names for them selves have put themselves and have grown in value over the years from selling art and making ver good pieces of work. That is basically how you can interpret value as it relates to Art.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Line or Shape Assignnment

When you look closely at the images, i would say that image b and d are lines. A and D are shapes. I think that they are lines because they don't it only has two points to it and a lines is a long band or line. A and D are shapes simply because they are actual shapes. The narrow triangle would be confusing to the eye because it stretched out and narrow. What makes a shape is when all the lines meet to form a shape. What makes a line is when ther is only two points with a start and a finish. The images are good at decieving the eye so its very confusing to tell whats what.

String Project

I think the experience with the lines and shapes exercise was pretty cool and very interesting. I also enjoyed the the string project also. I thought it was interesting because it took something as simple as string to show us how we can made up lines and shapes to understand the lecture better. I actually wouldn't have done anything differently because you get to utilize the classroom space to put the structure together. My first impression was that i was a little confused on the assignment at first, but after we started a quickly became aware of the project and a thought it was pretty cool. It was interesting also to try to navigate your way through all the string. It was extra interesting trying to untangle it also.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Critique Assignment

In critiquing this piece I can say that this piece is very vibrant and colorful. It seems that the colorful objects are used to symbolize people. The artist used an abstract concept in developing this piece. The artist used mainly primary colors and very few secondary colors. The also used black and white for a majority of the figures. Some of the objects show a small deal of gradience to add a little form in some objects. Also the piece uses shapes to represent different thing, for example, outside the window the triangle and red swirl are used to represent trees. The walls also give off a sense of value and a rough feel to it almost like sand paper. All of the objects in this piece appear to be floating and doesn't have any foreground. Looking at the figure in the air, they look to be casting wall shadows if you lok closely. Judging by the look of the shapes on the floor and in the air, it appears that they're animals. Overall I think the piece is very unique and in it's own way can tell a story. This is a piece I definitely would own.