Thursday, September 6, 2007

Critique Assignment

In critiquing this piece I can say that this piece is very vibrant and colorful. It seems that the colorful objects are used to symbolize people. The artist used an abstract concept in developing this piece. The artist used mainly primary colors and very few secondary colors. The also used black and white for a majority of the figures. Some of the objects show a small deal of gradience to add a little form in some objects. Also the piece uses shapes to represent different thing, for example, outside the window the triangle and red swirl are used to represent trees. The walls also give off a sense of value and a rough feel to it almost like sand paper. All of the objects in this piece appear to be floating and doesn't have any foreground. Looking at the figure in the air, they look to be casting wall shadows if you lok closely. Judging by the look of the shapes on the floor and in the air, it appears that they're animals. Overall I think the piece is very unique and in it's own way can tell a story. This is a piece I definitely would own.

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