Friday, September 14, 2007

What is Value?

In my own opinion, value is years of hard work or someones worth. The chart makes good sense when you think about it because any successful artist or artist looking to be successful promote themselves and automatically falls under the chart. Unless you aren't trying to make business with your art and you don't want to live off it then you definitely fall under the catagory. I think that the harder you work and display determination it will help you to grow as an artist and business wise. I also feel that the more you put your work out there the higher in value you will become. Value in terms of art in the business word is building art and selling it over a long period of time to be worth something just like a important baseball card or an autograph from someone famous. Value will follow you your whole career and gives you a very good look as an artist. Most of the artist who have made names for them selves have put themselves and have grown in value over the years from selling art and making ver good pieces of work. That is basically how you can interpret value as it relates to Art.

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