Friday, December 7, 2007


I think the idea of expanding the space of a museum is a great idea. It opens up opportunites to display much more art work and to increase the amount of people that visit the museum. Of course in this situation there is always pro's and con's in the idea of a new museum. One problem with the idea that is frequently agreed with is the fact that bigger crowds of people bring a lot more noise. Which could eventually push people away. A pro would be it would attract several tourist and boost the number of attendance. I also think that the idea of developing an online museum website. It is good for people who don't have the time to visit the museum or who lives in different states. Some people may argue that by visiting the website isn't the full experience but I think it will be set up so you can still see everything and stil enjoy it. After reading both articles, the idea of expansion works out very nicely for both the museum and the crowd overall. The very nice structure that will be built will also be a good way to attract many more visitors.

Me personally, I think I would enjoy the whole experience. I don't think the volume of a museum will effect my experience. I love to visit museums and I would be very attracted to the new museum. Its also good because I attend school in DC and it would be very easy to go and visit the museum. I would also visit the website just to see if it is close to the same experience.I have a strong love for art and love to learn so I actually can't wait for the museum to open.

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